is the main difference between ICS Competition Chili and Non ICS People's
Choice chili?
Please print out and complete the form, include payment, and mail to:
PO BOX 356
FAX: 207-646-8104
Concerns? If you have them, please call 207-646-2451, or send
us an email.
If you are interested in becoming
a sponsor or becoming a vendor,
please visit those pages for the appropriate forms.
Having a problem getting the forms? If you do not have the Adobe Reader
program installed on your computer, you will need to download and install
the program. It is freely available from Adobe. You may obtain a
free copy from Adobe by following
this link.
How good is your chili?
Why not find out at the Wells Chili-Fest? Even if you are not
an ICS member you may still enter your chili into the People's
Choice Chili Cook-Off. Please look at our fact
sheet and
forms for more details. You may contact
the Wells Chamber of Commerce for additional questions or concerns.
is the main difference between ICS Competition Chili and Non ICS People's
Choice chili?
You might also want to consider joining the International
Chili Society. Please visit their web site for more information.
Why not take your chili to the World Chili Championship Cook-Off
someday? |